Sunday, May 9, 2010

Best shopping trip ever!

I took Summer to Trader Joe's the other day. She wanted a balloon, I didn't want to get her a balloon, because, well it causes fights when we get home. I've discovered no balloons in the house=peace and quiet. This was our shopping trip for half and hour.

Summer: "Mom can I get a balloon?"
Me: "No."
Summer: "Look there's a pink balloon, can I get a pink one?"
Me: "No."
Summer: "Why?"
Me: (Trying to distract her) "Oh, look at these strawberries, should we get some?"
Summer: "Yes, and we should get a balloon, too! Red, like the strawberries."

A few moments of calm pass, then she remembers,

Summer: "Mom, I really like balloons, I'm being good can I get a balloon?"
Me: "Summer, we're not getting a balloon today, or any other day. You'll fight with your brothers when we get home."
Summer: "I won't fight mom. Can I get one?"
Me: "No Summer, no balloon....."
Summer: "I know we can get four balloons, one for everybody! Then we won't fight."
Me: "I'm not getting four balloons Summer."

I begin to think one balloon, might be okay, just to shut her up, but I've said no a million times. I can't give in now. Rule number one, keep your word, and I've already said no. So, no balloon. I press forward, besides we're almost done!

She sees a little boy with a balloon.

Summer: "Look mom, he has a balloon."
Me: (Trying to be funny with a three year old) "Yeah, well his mommy is nice."
Summer: "Well, my mommy is nice too!"
Me: "Yes, Summer you can have a balloon."

What was I telling myself about sticking to my word? At this point do I keep my word, or reinforce my daughters belief that she too has a nice mommy. So much for sarcasm, it's not so effective with a three year old!

1 comment:

Jim and Tammy's Life. said...

can I have a balloon? You are such a softy!